Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Best Free Sample Resources

Trying to find legitimate free samples online can be an uphill battle. Fortunately for all you free sample fans out there I have compiled a list of various sites with a slew of truly free samples!

What do I mean by truly free? These samples have no requirements! You won't have to fill out a survey or give out any personal information...

There is a huge list of free samples on Hubpages.com..

That's the list for now, I will be adding more to it as time goes by. This free sample list is huge there are tons of things you can get absolutely free. Anything from deodorant and dog treats to razors and lip gloss. They are constantly growing as new samples are found. So, remember check back often for updates! I hope you enjoy all the freebies!

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Free Samples

We all love free things. I'm how could you not love freebies. Just the word free fills me with a warm, fuzzy feeling. I have created a huge list of freebies and free samples on Hubpages, an article directory site. Why have I created my list on Hubpages and not here. Simply put, my articles get way more exposure on article sites than on my own.

All the samples listed in any and all of my articles are 100% free and all from reputable manufacturer websites. There are no surveys to fill out and you will never have to give out any personal information. You will, however need to provide an address so the samples can be delivered.

If you're interested here is the list:

Enjoy the samples and please leave comments and feedback about what you think!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Properly Moisturizing

If you are looking to keep your skin young looking and safe for wrinkles and other age revealing physical traits the proper moisturizer is key. The green tea moisturizer is one of the best moisturizers on the market.
What will green tea moisturizers do for your? This amazing new skin care cream will protect your skin from free radicals, these toxins take a huge toll on your skin by destroying skin cells. These free radicals are very hard to avoid as the are absorbed into your body through radiation from the sun and other pollutants.

There is a very interesting article written about this amazing new moisturizer call green tea moisturizers and it is really worth checking out. The article goes into a bit more detail about the benefits of green tea and green tea extract on our bodies. For even more information, check out the Ezine article on the topic, green tea benefits.

Aside for all the benefits the only downside that I can see with green tea products is the price. As you already may have guessed, just because regular green tea is fairly inexpensive that doesn't mean that it's skin care products are the same. Just like many other skin care products, green tea moisturizer can be a bit pricey. I guess you just get what you pay for. If you want a superior product that will really work, you are gonna have to shell out some cash.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

What I've Learned About Making Money Online

Will You Succeed

Do you know why 90% of people who try to make money online fail? Is it because only a select few have the tools and knowledge needed to succeed as internet marketers? No, it's because internet marketing is a lot of hard, tedious work. You will have to spend a long time working long hours before you will ever see a red cent. Many people assume that they can just sign up for an account with Blogspot, throw up a few blogs and start earning money. How Exactly, do you think you get paid? Once you start blogging Google doesn't just start sending you money. You need to get traffic to your blogs. This takes a lot of hard work. Most people who start down this road will give up. Something else to keep in mind, you may have noticed I used the term internet marketer. Make make no mistake, if you got into blogging to make money, you're not a blogger, you are an internet marketer.

Bloggers And Internet Marketers

Bloggers are in it for the social aspects. They don't care about keyword optimization. They blog as a hobby, simply for the love of blogging. They won't put ads on their site because they don't want to take anything away from the content. As an internet marketer, you are concerned with things like ad placement and targeting keywords. You choose your niche based things like advertiser competition. Unlike a blogger, an internet marketer creates the content for their ads. As important as content is it will always come second to increasing your CTR and search engine ranking.

About MMOs

MMOs, or make money online blogs, like this one, are very hard to make successful. There are so many people out there building MMOs and the competition is extremely fierce. If you do choose to start an MMO, you should write very long and informative posts hoping to rank well for long-tailed keywords. The only problem with that strategy is the longer and more interesting your posts are, the less likely visitors will be to click on an ads. Why would they leave your site? It's full of useful information. Hopefully, over time, enough visitors will link to you to boost your rank for more popular keywords.

Untapped Niches

Your best bet is to try and find an untapped niche. By untapped, I mean a niche that isn't over flowing with blogs and sites trying to make money off of their content. If you come across a niche where the top ranking page has no ads on it, it is safe to assume that the owner of that site isn't trying to climb the serps, search engine rank page. That site is number one because of lack of competition. If this niche has a decent amount of advertisers bidding on its keywords, it could be a gold mine. It's true, most niches won't pay as well as an MMO but can easily be dominated. This can be a great way to improve your knowledge of SEO, search engine optimization. Remember, no amount of reading or researching is as helpful to your success as failing. That's right folks failing helps you succeed.

What Doesn't Kill You Will Make You Stronger

For every successful blog I own, I had to create 20 failures. Each time a blog failed or I made a mistake, I learned from it. The more I learned the more successful I became. Trial and error is the best teacher. You should always experiment and try new things, you will be amazed at what you will learn. At times there were blogs I created as a testing sites that ended up with more profitable traffic then my main blog. There isn't one MMO Guru out there that is really going to reveal his secrets. They might throw you a bone here and there or give you some SEO basics but remember in the end you are the competition.

Step By Step

Start out small. Create some successful blogs in smaller niches and work your way up to the larger more profitable categories. This will help you gather the tools you will need to succeed and help build your confidence. Never give up. There have been so many times when I felt so frustrated that I almost stopped blogging all together. Many times succeeding with one of my smaller blogs was all the push I needed to hop back on that horse. Stay as positive as you can. Try and picture each obstacle as a challenge, each failure as a lesson. Remember, the only difference between you and the top ranking site is its been around a bit longer. They have made and learned from more mistakes than you have.

Link Juice

Don't waste that link juice (authority given to your site by search engines for incoming links). Backlinking is one of the most important things in climbing the serps. The more links pointing to you from other sites, the more important a search engine will think you are and therefore the higher you will rank for certain keywords. If you add too many outgoing links from your site, you will loose some of that link juice. Do not send outbound links unless you feel it is absolutely necessary. Link your posts together. Give references to other posts you have written in each new post you write. This won't build up link juice but it will insure that search engine spiders see all the content on your blog. It will also help increase pageviews and build your CTR.

Build Solid Backlinks

Not all backlinks come with the same authority. Although search engines will not penalize you for backlinks that come from bad neighborhoods, such as link farms, these links will provide you with almost no link juice. This makes those links almost completely useless. Links from sites with a great deal more outgoing links than incoming links are worth less as well. The higher the PR a site has, they more link juice it will provide. Try to get backlinks from sites that have a similar topics. This carries much more weight than an unrelated site. The ideal backlink has your keywords in the anchored text (the clickable part of the link).

Visitor Comments

Encourage visitors to comment on your blog. You will notice that top ranking blogs for popular niches are chock full of comments. Comments mean a lot to search engines and will greatly help you climb the ranks. The assumption is that if someone takes the time to comment on your blog, they must have found the content helpful. Comments also tend to be on topic and will also help boots your rank for long-tailed keywords.

Don't Get Smart Priced

Avoid adding AdSense to your blog until you have a good amount of traffic coming in. Over spreading or adding AdSense too early can lead to your account being smart priced. This can lead to a huge drop in revenue. If you notice you are getting paid very little for each click you receive, you may be smart priced. Don't worry, simply remove AdSense from your sites one by one until you can zone in one which one is causing the problem.

Content Is King

Don't stop pumping out content. Each and every time you write a new article and it gets indexed by search engines is another chance to get traffic to your site. Even if your site is no where near the top of the serps, you will grab more traffic via long-tailed keywords. Think of each post as a fishing rod. The more rods you have the more chances you have of catching your dinner. This will help boost your earnings while you work to climb up in rank, while providing your visitors with new, informative information. Good content will also make it more likely you will get return visitors. The more someone returns to your site, the more likely they are to become a fan and backlink to you.

A Few Tips

A few facts to keep in mind. The more advertising competition for a keyword, the better you will get paid per click. The shorter the posts the higher the CTR but the lower the payment per click. On the opposite side of the coin, longer and more in depth posts will have a lower CTR but you will be well paid. Internet marketing isn't an exact science. What works well for one niche may not work well on another.

Pay attention to how visitors are getting to your site. What are they searching for? How long are the spending on your site? If you write very long articles and you notice that the average reader spends only 1 1/2 minutes on each pages, it might be a good idea to keep ads towards the top of your blog. If most of your readers spend a lot of time reading each post, you may want to place some ads at the bottom of your posts. Larger ads pay better but you may find that a small ads fits well at the bottom of your side bar. Ad placement is key but you don't want to clutter your site. Don't make your site look like a giant ad. This may result in a reduction in return traffic. On the other hand if you are ranked #1 for your main keywords, a large ad at the top of your blog may bring you more money. It may sound like I am talking out of both sides of my mouth. I assure you this is not the case. My point is in order to optimize your site, you need to experiment and try new things. Every site, blog, and niche is different.

Be Patient

It may take several weeks for a new blog to get indexed. Despite what you may have read, even if your blog has several backlinks from high page ranking sites it still may take time for your site to get indexed. When you search the web address, it will show up in the results but until your site is indexed your content will not be shown on the results page. This is why it is important to create as many blogs as you can, especially when you are first starting out. Once you get a few blogs ranked well and bringing in steady traffic you may want to spend more time pushing your money makers and less time creating.

Enjoy What You Do

In order to be a successfully internet marketer you have to enjoy writing and creating. If you don't get out now. If you think that you will setup a blog and get rich quick, you are mistaken. As an internet marketer you will constantly be writing, creating and networking. You will end up working more hours than you would in a regular 9 to 5 job. If anyone tells you different, they are lying. Working as an internet marketer has been the most difficult and time consuming job I have ever had and I love it.

Never Give Up

Never rely on anyone to tell you what works. Do some research on SEO techniques. There are a ton of sites our there. After you read a few you will notice that they all say the same thing. If you want to be successfully you are the key. Never be satisfied and always strive for more. Keep learning and experimenting. I will tell you, depending on your definition of the word, it is impossible to fail as an internet marketer. Would you consider an income equivalent to a part-time job a success or failure. Is the cup half full or half empty.

Look Forward

Don't be afraid to grow. If you go back to older posts on this site you will notice that originally I was using this site to promote various referral links. I now realize that pushing referral links is a waste of time. I grew out of it and my blog grew with me. Sure, I could have deleted the posts but those posts are part of this blog. They remind me that if that's where I was then, imagine where I will be months from now.

The Beginning

I will be using this blog to expand on what I have learned as an internet marketer. I will try and create posts on weekly basis, covering all my new finding, whether they are failures or successes. Consider this post, What I've Learned About Making Money Online Part 1. I hope you enjoyed it.

Good Luck,


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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing

So you've been working on your site or blog for awhile, adding content, promoting and gather up as many of those precious backlinks as you can your hands on. You build your site using different SEO tactics, doing everything you can to get as much inbound traffic as possible. All your hard work has paid off and you now have a nice, consistent flow of traffic coming in. All that traffic didn't just start pouring in by luck, you worked hard to make your site successful and you want to make as much money from it as possible. How can you turn all that traffic into money? Why, you simply start up an account with AdSense and hope a nice percentage of your traffic will convert into clicks, making you money and bring you one step closer to independent wealth. AdSense is probably one of the easiest ways to monetize your blog but is it the most profitable? A great way to increase your residual income is to become an affiliate marketer.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

While surfing the web or reading your favorite blog in your rss reader, you may have noticed that many of the more successful sites advertise with companies other than AdSense. Some of these large, traffic siphoning sites may no longer use Adsense at all. Think about it, how do you get paid when you use Adsense? You post on your blog and Google sends you relevant ads that your viewers could potentially click on. Each time some clicks on one of those ads, Google pays you but where do these ads come from? The marketing geniuses at Google use AdSense's counter part AdWords to gather up ads to send to you. AdWords is a program created by Google where different companies pay them to advertise their sites and products. What does this mean to you? Why should you care where your ads come from? Google is a middle man! Lets say you get an average of $0.50 per click through AdSense. How much money do you think Google is making from all the traffic your site diverts to that advertiser?. If you had been advertising directly for that company you could have earned a lot more form your site. Essential, when you become an affiliate marketer you are pushing the middle man out of the picture and keeping more of the profits for yourself.

Affiliates Do A Little More Work

You will have to do a little more work as an affiliate marketer. You are used to Google automatically sending you ads that are relevant to your site. If you write a post about cheap children's clothing, AdSense will send you ads that suit the topic. When you become an affiliate marketer you will have to pick and choose your ads yourself. This isn't as easy as it sounds, after all, you won't have a very good CTR advertising used car parts on your children's clothing blog. When all is said and done, the increase in income will make all this extra work worth while. Your site or blog is most likely to have some kind of theme this will make searching for ads a bit less tedious. Once you find a few relevant ads, they should work for all your posts.

What Affiliate Network Should You Use?

Personally, I find I have the most luck using Peerfly. They have a nice array of ads and pay very well. You may have to try many differnet affiliate networks before you find one with just what you are looking for. Do a Google search and check out the ads and rates each network offers. There is no limit to how many affiliate networks you can sign up for. Worse case scenario, you sign up for a few and never use them. Like everything else in internet marketing and making money online, you usually end up doing an ton of research and a lot of trial and error before you get it right.

The Pros
  • You will earn much more each time a visitor clicks on ads
  • You will be climbing to the next step in Internet marketing ladder
  • Affiliate ads tend to look more professional than ads sent to you by companies like AdSense and Adbrite
  • You will have more control over the ads that appear on your site
  • Unlike AdSense, there is no limit to how many ads you can show on your site
The Cons
  • Ads won't be chosen for you and you will have to do a little extra work
There is no risk involved in becoming an affiliate marketer. There is no rule that says you can't have both AdSense and affiliate ads on your site. My advise would be to leave AdSense on your site while you experiment with affiliate ads. As the weeks and months go by see which one is bringing you more money and adjust the advertising on your site accordingly.

Good Luck As Always,


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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Screw Making Money With MMOs

I just want to warn anyone that randomly stumbled upon this blog post that I'm not in the best of moods and I may be using some colorful language, a big SEO no no. You are never supposed to use colorful language in your post as this may turn off potential readers. Guess what... screw it. First off this is a MMO blog (Make Money Online Blog). Ya wanna know something else... If you're smart, don't start one. You will NEVER succeed! You will never make any money with a make money online blog. It's not the advertising potential. I get the highest CTR (click through ratio) and the highest paying ads on AdSense with my MMO's. A great click through ratio and they pay well... so what's the problem?

Why You Will Never Make Good Money From An MMO Blog

There are many reasons why MMOs will never bring you enough revenue to quit your job or allow you to work from home. The biggest reason is everyone and their mother are going after this overinflated niche! There are so many guru's out there all spewing the same shit, optimize this and optimize that... it's all crap. All these amazing secrets and tips these experts are selling you are all just a ploy to get you reading and clicking. They jam pack their site with keywords and links getting as many backlinks as possible anyway they can, all in the hopes of climbing the Google's serps and getting more suckers (no offense) viewing and clicking. Search Google for the term "make money online" and you'll get 185 million results. What makes you think that you can climb up high enough to grab any of that traffic. Don't kid yourself or waste your time, you won't! Does this mean you can't make money online... no. All this means is you shouldn't waste your time on MMOs. You want to learn some SEO techniques? Hold on to your hats. Here comes a crash course.

The Only SEO Techniques You Will Ever Need

Use keywords. Write long post to snag long tailed keywords. Get backlinks... a lot of backlinks. Anchored backlinks are better. Anchored backlinks from high PR sites are even better. Anchored backlinks from high PR sites in a similar niche are the best. Use keywords in your web address, site title and post titles. That's it... everything else is horse shit. Write good content and over time people will come.

If You Subscribe To My Feed You Are Useless To Me

For those of you who haven't been bored or offended and left, if you got this far you are useless to me. If you subscribe to my feed you are useless to me. Want to know why? Because you won't click on my ads and make me money. You know who will click? The asshole who came on this site for five seconds, saw an ad and clicked on it. That's why I can call him or her an asshole... they already left. Yes, the occasional rss reader will click, but it's rare. If regular readers don't click then why does everyone push their rss feed? Simple, if you can manage to build your monthly traffic to over 20,000 visitors per month or so, you can tell AdSense to go fuck themselves and get a real affiliate program going and start making real money.

Hey, If MMO Guru's Are Full Of Shit... Who The Hell Am I?

I'm no guru of any kind, that's for sure. I make almost NO money off of my MMO sites. I make no promises that you can learn a God damn thing from reading my blog. I think my total AdSense revenue for my MMO channels was something like $35 last month. Worthless. So why do I waste my time, why am I writing this post? I'm not going to lie to you and say I'm trying to give back to the world. I'm not doing it out of the goodness of my heart. Sure there are a lot of people out there surfing the net and click on ads. There very well may be enough for everyone but I'm greedy and don't want to share! To be honest, I don't know why I still keep my MMO sites. Maybe it's the hope in the back of my mind. The hope that because of this amazing post I'll leap to the top of the serps and haul in $10,000 a month in AdSense revenue. Nope... never gonna happen. Maybe I want people to hear about my frustrations.. maybe I want to vent. Maybe I'm just not making enough money that I can throw away the 35 bucks. Who knows. Just do yourself a favor and don't waste your time on MMOs. Does this mean all of us would-be "pro bloggers" should give up? No!

What Did I Do?

I'm not going to lie and tell you I got rich from blogging. The truth is I started really blogging with the intentions of pulling a profit in October of 2007. My revenues have slowly risen each month and it's not from this MMO. Like I said previously in this post, MMOs provide you with a higher CTR and good paying ads. The only problem is this niche is already spread way too thin. I have several other sites and the CTR is half what it is on this site and the ads pay less than half per click . So why do I do it, why bother with such poorly paying niches? The reason is the competition, or lack there of. These smaller niches have no competion and there for can be dominated more easily. I pick a niche that hasn't been tapped or at least by someone trying to get to the top of the serps in order to make money. I do a little research on Google AdWords to see the average traffic for a certain keywords per month and how many ads are available. That's how I do it. I climb to the top of that niche and leech up all that traffic. In this game its all about your traffic volume. You get enough volume coming at you and it doesn't matter what you're selling, you'll make money. I haven't quit my job yet but let me tell you, I am well over the minimum pay out for AdSense every month and I love writing and creating new blogs. I never expected to make as much as I am and I've almost given up more times than I can count. It takes a long time to start bringing in real cash online. Don't give up and stay realistic. Dreaming is good. It keeps you motivated, but if your head is too far up in the clouds you won't get anywhere.

Thanks For Listening

I feel much better now that I've vented a bit. I hope that this post hasn't offended too much and maybe even helped some of you. Screw MMOs and MMO gurus. They are all full of shit. Try a smaller niche, experiment and if you really want to succeed... you will with a little work and patients. Never give up and never follow Make Money Online Gurus... you will never shine in someone's shadow.

Good Luck,


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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Making Money Online With Hubpages

What Is Hubpages

HubPages is an online community where people can publish, gain information about a specific topic or both. When I first came across Hubpages I thought it was just another site built to make money off of the hard work of bloggers and other writers, boy was I wrong. Ok, first of all they give you the option of placing your own AdSense ads on each of your "hubs" ( hupages articles ). This is unheard of, not only are they free but they don't even push their ads using your content. On top of allowing you to monetize your own hubs, they are an excellent resource to build up solid anchored backlinks. I will explain why using Hubpages as a backlinking reacorse is so great later on in this post.

Importance Of Backlinking

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm sure you have read this on every single SEO and "make money blogging" site you have ever come across, backlinks are THE KEY to ranking well in search engines. You can stuff keywords and long tail keywords until your site is just one big advertisement for itself but without backlinks its all a waste of time. Search engines assume if other sites link to yours that your content is more relevant. This is why you may notice when you get that new site indexed, other sites with less relevant content are ranked higher. All of this is due to backlinking! Yes, content is king but you should probably spend most of your time gathering as many solid do follow anchored backlinks as you can get your greedy little hands on.

What Makes Hubpage Backlinks So Great

Why are backlinks on Hubpages so great? Simply put, Google loves Hubpagse. Google loves Hubpages so much that it shows Hubpages its love by indexing all of its hubs and profile pages in less than 24 hours. I don't have a PR 5 site to mooch a backlink off of to get my newer sites indexed quickly. I have never gotten a site indexed in less than a week, while, each and every hub that I have written for Hubpages has been indexed within a day. As a matter of fact, when I first created my account with Hubpages, my profile page was indexed by google in less than 10 hours. That's when I realized what a backlinking gold mine Hubpages could be.

The Catch

A great backlink reacourse yes, free and easy ... no. Hubpages won't cost you any money but you won't start off with any do follow links. Instead of asking for money for their do follow backlinks, they ask that you pay with your time and content. I assume that they created their site in this way to avoid spamming. Don't think that this makes Hubpages a waste of your time. Look at it this way, Google loves Hubpages, if you got do follow backlinks instantly, you could only imagine the huge amounts of spam that the site would get hit with. After awhile there would be so much spam that you would not longer be able to find good, relative content. If that happened then I'm sure Hubpages would loose its Google love and would no longer be useful to you and I for backlinking.

This is how it works, sign up for Hubpages and write a few hubs, they don't need to be long and can be about anything you want. Write about a vacation you took, your dog's spots, falling interest rates, making money online.... anything you want. I usually spend no more than 20 minutes writing a Hub. In no time at all you will have enough profile points to have all the backlinks on your hubs become do follow. Once you receive 40 profile points the backlinks on your profile page become do follow. Keep building, write a few more hubs and get your profile points up to 75 and when that happens, presto, all your hubs now have do follow links!

It took me all of 2 days and 5 articles about newts... that's right... newts, to get my profiles points to 65 and just a week and 5 more hubs to get up to 75, changing all the backlinks I had put on my hubs to do follow. All those backlinks are just another feather in my SEO hat.. pushing me one step closer to the top of Google's serps and one step closer to fulfilling my dream of working from home.

Good Luck,


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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Get Paid By Using SEO To Boost Your Adsense Earnings

I you're looking to boost the Adsense earnings from your site or blog and get paid online, the only way to achieve this is through search engine optimization or SEO for short. If you've never heard the term SEO, don't worry it won't take much to create a site that is completely optimized for search engines.

Why Do You Want To Optimize Your Site

There is a very simple answer to that question. Whether you created your blog as an artistic outlet or to get paid online, you like everyone else, want your hard work to be viewed and enjoyed by the world. When you first create a fresh blog you are a very small fish in a huge pond. Aside from telling all your friends and family, the only way to be noticed is through social sites and by being well ranked by search engines. Social sites are a terrible way to try and boost your Adsense income, I will explain exactly why later on in the post. Getting ranked well by search engines, especially Google.com, is the best way to get the most exposure to your site and the single best way to significantly boost your Adsense income and get paid online. When your site ranks well you will get continuous traffic from search engines. The best part is that you will be getting traffic directly targeted for what you site has to offer. When you use SEO to create your site you will also notice that the Adsense ads are more targeted too. What does this all mean. A) Increase targeted traffic + B) More targeted ads = C) Higher paying ads and a much higher CTR or click through ratio. Not only will a higher percentage of the visitors to your site be clicking on your ads but there will be a lot more of them.

Why You Will Not Get Paid Online Through Social Sites

When you use social sites like Digg or Stumbleupon to advertise your site you will not get paid. The reasoning behind that statement is, the people using social sites are like you and me. When was the last time you clicked on an Adsense ad. When you are looking for the best cure for a cold sore or the best new flat screen T.V.s do you look for them on Digg or do you search on a search engine? Even if you get a few click from social sites the clicks aren't considered targeted and you won't get paid as much for them. On the other hand if someone searches for cold sore remedies and comes to your cold sore remedy site and then click on an ad for cold sore ointment it is considered targeted traffic. That advertiser is getting exactly the kind of traffic they are looking for and will pay the highest price for it. If you use Adsense on your site and a certain percentage of your clicks come from untargeted traffic you run the risk of having your adsense account "smart priced" by Google. If your account is smart priced you will get lower paying ads and will get paid less per click for them. If you've noticed a lot of unrelated ads on your blog and your average click is lower than $0.25, there is a good chance you've been smart priced. Being smart priced will make getting paid a lot harder. If one of your sites or blogs is smart priced it will cause your entire Adsense account to be smart priced and you will not be getting paid very well on any of your sites. Don't panic, just remove the Adense ads from the sites that are causing the smart pricing and you should see an increase in the price of your clicks within a few days.

Optimizing Your Site To Get Paid

There are three rules I live by to optimize all of my sites. First of all, you must use keywords in all of your blog posts. Your sites address must contain your sites keywords. Your post titles must contain your sites keywords. Only use one post per page, this will help stabilize your Adsense ads and help you get indexed better with search engines. If you are concerned about readers being able to navigate through your site from post to post, just ad an archive widget towards the top of your site. The most important SEO rules that will contribute the most towards how well you rank and how much you will get paid is backlinks. That's right, backlinks, backlinks, backlinks. The more well anchored and related backlinks you have the higher you will rank. Anchored backlinks are simply links to your site from another site with your keywords as the "clickable" text. When I say related backlinks, what I mean is getting backlinks from a similar site. Money sites should try to get backlinks from money sites and news sites should try and get backlinks from news sites.

It may take some times but if you follow these steps you will see your site climb up in the search engine ranks and you will see an increase in traffic to your site. For more information on SEO Optimization and Keywords visit SEO Oprimization Now.

Good Luck Getting Paid Online,


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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Make Money Online With Your Referal Links

So you built up a nice blog in a solid niche and you start to build up some traffic. You are looking to make some money for your hard work so you monetize your blog with AdSense. Why not try and make some money by signing up for some money making websites and advertising you referral link. Sign up for sites like Youdata, Prizelive and Swagbucks, write an honest review about the site, describing to you readers how they can make some extra money online by using it. Let the readers who choose to sign up for these sites do so using your referral link.

It is very important to be honest when writing these reviews. While you will make money, on most of these sites, for the initial sign up, the only way to create a residual income flow from these sites is to have your referrals use the site after signing up. Your referrals will be much more likely to continue using the site, and making you money, if they weren't miss lead into believing that they would make more money than they will.

You will be surprised how much extra money you can make by signing up referrals and how many of your readers will sign up. Of course this works much better if you have a make money online based blog. There are several examples of how I've done this on my blog, How To Make Money Online With GPT.

The latest post on one of my other blogs, Making Money Online With Gomez Peer Zone, isn't filled with with lies, promising my reader that they will make a fortune by using this companies program. I wrote an honest review and within a few days have already made 12 referrals. I was paid $1 per referral, not to bad for writing a quick site review. The best part is, because I wrote an honest review I won't be upsetting my readers and followers. No, you won't make as much as you would with AdSense but it will ad to your work from home income and it requires very little work.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Help Adsense Make You Money

While working on a few of my blogs I found that some of them, particularly the blogs with smaller posts, weren't displaying ads that would peak the interests of potential clickers. There are certain blogs that I own, where long winded posts are unnecessary. A post on one of these blogs might consist of two or three sentences. I also have this problem with some blogs where I write longer posts but can't use enough keywords to trigger the proper ads from google, without taking away from the quality of that post. Instead of changing all my posts around in order to guide AdSense in the right direction, I did a little research and found this very useful little trick.

This is one of my "problem" blogs before I implemented this trick... Just click the image to enlarge.

Here is my blog after I used the trick...

Notice the difference, my credit card post now has targeted ads for its visitors. This "trick" is not against any TOS and you will not get into trouble with google. It simply points to AdSense to certain parts of your post, the parts with the proper density of keywords to produce suitable ads.

Simply open your post in the html editor. Find a sentence or a paragraph in your post that best describe the main topic or the area where most of your keywords are located. This is what your post should look like after you are done editing in html.

Just open this image in an other window to enlarge it.

Good luck monetizing your blogs!


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Monday, April 20, 2009

Make Money Online Gurus Suck!

When I first began monetizing my blogs and sites I did a lot of research on the best ways to do so. I spent some time googling terms like "How to make money with your blog" and "making money with adsense". The majority of the sites that came up belonged to "SEO Gurus". I would always wonder why is it these people were giving away all their trade secrets. They must be out of their minds and if they weren't then this must be some kind of scam. I mean no offense but if I found a way to make thousands of dollars with almost no effort at all, there is no way in hell I'd be sharing that info.

Finally one day it hit me, I understood why they were throwing away all this valuable knowledge for free. The answer has two parts, first of,f this isn't valuable info, its horse crap... Blah Blah Blah keywords and Blah Blah Blah backlinking. They just keep saying the same thing over and over. As a fellow blogger, I understand, when someone talks about making thousands doing what you want to do, you can't help but hope. They play on your emotions. They make you think, " Well, hell if this guy can do it so easily, why can't I". Why would they do this? No, they aren't evil and their services aren't free.

It is fairly well known that blogger types do not click on ads, so you'd think it would be worthless to start a blog aimed at bloggers. Blogs that discuss things like SEO and making money online with adsense should be losers, in a financial sense. They aren't and the reason they aren't is you and I keep going back and linking to these sites and the more we visit and link and comment the bigger that site becomes. Once they have a monster of a site that ranks #1 on google with search terms like "make money", that's when joe shmoe visits and clicks on the "make $1,000,000 by eat potato chips" ad.

Another way these clever bloggers make money is by "not selling" to you. For example, I use "SEO magnet"... I'm not telling you to by this, I would never do that... but ever since I started to use it I've doubled my pageviews. Well, it sounds like he's not selling to you but after reading how this guy made 20 grand in a month, you might just drop the 40 bucks on this awesome software. Now, I'm not calling the guy a liar or even insinuating that hes exaggerating. All I'm saying is, that's the catch! That is why they are giving you all this info for free, because its not free. You just aren't paying for it with money.

If you're still reading and want to know how I go about making money from my blogs. It's simple and you don't need to devote an entire blog to it. Make blogs, get noticed by google, use SEO(keywords and backlinking), use web 2.0(Digg.. Stumbleupon). Do what ever it takes to get some steady pageviews. Start blogs about unpopular topics. There maybe a million searches for "make money online" and only 1 thousand for "gay green dogs" but you will be the only one who shows up in the second search. Make many many many blogs. You may never get 5k pageviews per week on any of them but you will get pageviews. 5 blogs X 1000 pageviews = 1 blog X 5000 pageviews. Don't worry, don't rush and don't freak, it will happen over time. Most importantly, please for the love of god DO NOT spend your money. When you start earning from your blogs and you want to spend some cash on software or themes or anything else, fine, just don't forget why you started, to make money not spend it. There ya go you never have to read another make money online blog again, you are good to go. Don't comment, don't click ads, don't link to me. I don't care... This blog was supposed to be used to push "paid to" sites anyway. One last note... don't bother with "paid to" sites... they are truly worthless. Well that's it, that's all I got... sorry for rambling on.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Make Money Online With Prizelive

Want to make money online? Prizelive is a website that pays you to complete offers and surveys. This isn't another paid survey scam site. They offer a wide variety of offers from shopping and trials to surveys and freebies. You complete these offers and earn money online anywhere from .35 to 5.00 points(1 point = $1). You also get game credits with each offer that you can use to play games and win even more points. Each month they have a jackpot prize which reaches well over $100, every offer you complete is 1 entry. There is a $1 minimum cash out which is every easily obtained. Want to cash out more than once a month? Simply post proof of payment in their forum(access via their website) and you can cash out as many times as you like. They pay instantly though paypal. When I say instantly i mean it, you will usually get you payment within an hour. To top it all off they offer a referral program where you can make 10% of what your referrals earn. Prizelive is one the best ways to make money online. Don't have a paypal account, signup here!

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Make Money Online With QuickRewards

I have found yet another way to add a bit to your online income. Quickrewards offer a large selection of ways to earn money online, from paid surveys to paid to click. Registration is very east all you need is an email address and a paypal account(for payment). I log in to my Quickrewards account every day and start off by doing some paid to click and paid trivia. After that I move on to the paid survey and quiz section. In addition they have a section where you get paid to print out online coupons, just the other day i got paid to print out a coupon for $1 of a 64oz container of V8 juice. Do a lot of your shopping online? Check out Quickrewards before you make that purchase. Earn cash back when you shop through Quickrewards on categories like jewelry, food, toys, video games, pets and more. All in all Qucikrewards makes up $10-$15 of my online income per week. There is no minimum payout and you can withdraw your money as often as you like. Payments are made very quickly usually within 24 hours. I am very happy with this site it is very well made and easy to navigate. I highly recommend it. Join Quickrewards Now!

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Need Some More Traffic To Your Site?

Try a traffic exchange. You just sign up and view others sites for credit. Use your credit to buy view to your site. The more credit you have, the more views you get and the more views to your site you the more money you will potentially make. These sites also have the option to buy credit for very low prices. Since I've started using these sites traffic to my site has increase by 80% bring me more visitors and more money with very little work. It makes earning more income for your site much easier.

Traffic G is a great traffic exchange website with a 1:1 ratio, a great money maker. For every site you visit someone will visit your site. They also have a great referral program.

Easy Hits 4 U you is very similar to Traffic G with a much better looking website and they pay you cash for your referrals. Not only will you be earning money from page views but you will earn cash as well.

Your 1:1 Traffic Exchange

At I Love Hits you can earn credits even faster. They have been around since 2001 and have over 100,000 members. That's a lot new potential hits to your site!

You can use these tool to boost you page views and earning. Start changing you hobby into a real business bring in real money.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

More Youdata Mefile Surveys

For all of you Youdata fans, you know how you can make your money viewing ads, specialized just for you. How does Youdata know what adds to show you? Its your Mefile, so the more accurately you fill out your Mefile, the better the ads you will receive and the more money you can make. Recently Yodata has added a few surveys to your Mefile. There is a new Vino (Wine), How "green" are you, and cultural survey. These will take a very short amount time to fill out and help will you get more cash at the end of the week. If you haven't signed up for Youdata signup here and start making money today.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Are You Good At Refering?

If you are good at refering people to different sites then Points2Shop is for you. This site works like all the other paid to sign up sites. You do some offers, get some points, get paid. The only difference is they don't pay you in cash. You get paid in points you can spend at Amazon.com. Not the best "paid to" site, however, they do have one of the most profitable referal programs around. Not only do you get 15% of the points that your referrals generate (to be spent on Amazon) but you also get $1.00 cash for each person you refer. Once your referral fully signs up for Points2Shop you will get $1.00 cash that you can withdraw into your paypal account with no minimum. Your payment goes through within 24 hours. Oh and did i mention this site is 100% free to all. So all you salesmen out there start earning money now!

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Monday, April 6, 2009

Getting Activated With Gomez Peer Zone

It took me over three months for Gomez Peer Zone to finally activate me so i coulr really start making money. Gomez Peer Zone is a company that runs performance test on various websites. They do this buy using their "PEERS'" (aka you) computers. Each PEER in Gomez's network serves as a "beacon," running in the background of your PC, contributing its spare resources (such as otherwise wasted processing power, RAM, and bandwidth). After a lot of "googling" the only information if come across is, they prefer people who use dial up. So if you still use a 56k modem you're in luck, they will approve you very quickly. If not just keep running the program. It seems like you'll be pending forever but its worth it. Once approved you will be paid monthly. Gomez Peer Zone also offers a referral system. Basically you earn $1 dollar for every peer you refer adding even more money potential to your $45 cap. This is the only company where you can truly make money for doing absolutely nothing. I know Its my dream to get some extra cash for sitting on my rump! Now if I could only find about 100 more sites like this.

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Youdata Info

Before you sign up for Youdata there are a few things you might want to know. First yes this is the only paid to click site where you will make any kind of real money. Some other interesting information is they have five times more ads geared towards women and they have no way of knowing your gender.... wink wink :P. Also you will need to have a cell phone. They DO NOT call you or spam you in any way. They will simply send you a text message with a code to enter on their site. This is to prove you are not opening multiple accounts.... All jokes aside it is a very good site that I check weekly and they deposit my money directly into my paypal account weekly. So if you're interested in making some extra money online give it a try. YOUDATA.COM

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Cutting Cell Phone Costs

These days people are being more tight with money than ever. The only way to save money is to bring more money in than you spend. In order to do this you must keep track of what you are spending your money on and keep your costs low.

Cell phones are no longer the luxury they were in the past. I know I have become extremely dependant on mine. My cell phone is my watch, phone, email client, camera and connection to family when I am away from home. They are so convenient, I no longer have a land-line.

If you aren't careful, these wonderful technological wonders can cost you quite a lot of money. Most cell phone companies have free in-network calling. If possible, family and friends should use the same provider so those calls could be free. Make as many calls as you want in the evenings and over the weekend. Night and weekend calls are free, usually starting at 9PM through 6M during the week and Friday at 9PM to Monday at 6AM. Just because you can surf the web and download videos on your cell, doesn't mean you should. Many of these extras are very costly even if you include them in your plan. Unlimited data transfer could cost you $20 per month. Downloading a ring-tone for a dollar or two might not seem too pricey until you've collected 10 or 20 of them. Do you send many video or picture messages? These are not considered a text message and will usually cost you more. Stop text messaging. If you are a text message addict make sure you have that feature added to your plan. Paying $10 a month for 500 messages is better than $0.20 per text. Make sure you find a plan with the right amount of minutes. You don't want to waste money on unneeded minutes, but you shouldn't be paying extra for premium minutes.

Always keep and eye out for good deals. Make sure the company you choose has coverage over your area. As long as you choose the right plan and are careful not to misuse your cell phone, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to cut down your costs and save some money.

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