Thursday, May 14, 2009

Screw Making Money With MMOs

I just want to warn anyone that randomly stumbled upon this blog post that I'm not in the best of moods and I may be using some colorful language, a big SEO no no. You are never supposed to use colorful language in your post as this may turn off potential readers. Guess what... screw it. First off this is a MMO blog (Make Money Online Blog). Ya wanna know something else... If you're smart, don't start one. You will NEVER succeed! You will never make any money with a make money online blog. It's not the advertising potential. I get the highest CTR (click through ratio) and the highest paying ads on AdSense with my MMO's. A great click through ratio and they pay well... so what's the problem?

Why You Will Never Make Good Money From An MMO Blog

There are many reasons why MMOs will never bring you enough revenue to quit your job or allow you to work from home. The biggest reason is everyone and their mother are going after this overinflated niche! There are so many guru's out there all spewing the same shit, optimize this and optimize that... it's all crap. All these amazing secrets and tips these experts are selling you are all just a ploy to get you reading and clicking. They jam pack their site with keywords and links getting as many backlinks as possible anyway they can, all in the hopes of climbing the Google's serps and getting more suckers (no offense) viewing and clicking. Search Google for the term "make money online" and you'll get 185 million results. What makes you think that you can climb up high enough to grab any of that traffic. Don't kid yourself or waste your time, you won't! Does this mean you can't make money online... no. All this means is you shouldn't waste your time on MMOs. You want to learn some SEO techniques? Hold on to your hats. Here comes a crash course.

The Only SEO Techniques You Will Ever Need

Use keywords. Write long post to snag long tailed keywords. Get backlinks... a lot of backlinks. Anchored backlinks are better. Anchored backlinks from high PR sites are even better. Anchored backlinks from high PR sites in a similar niche are the best. Use keywords in your web address, site title and post titles. That's it... everything else is horse shit. Write good content and over time people will come.

If You Subscribe To My Feed You Are Useless To Me

For those of you who haven't been bored or offended and left, if you got this far you are useless to me. If you subscribe to my feed you are useless to me. Want to know why? Because you won't click on my ads and make me money. You know who will click? The asshole who came on this site for five seconds, saw an ad and clicked on it. That's why I can call him or her an asshole... they already left. Yes, the occasional rss reader will click, but it's rare. If regular readers don't click then why does everyone push their rss feed? Simple, if you can manage to build your monthly traffic to over 20,000 visitors per month or so, you can tell AdSense to go fuck themselves and get a real affiliate program going and start making real money.

Hey, If MMO Guru's Are Full Of Shit... Who The Hell Am I?

I'm no guru of any kind, that's for sure. I make almost NO money off of my MMO sites. I make no promises that you can learn a God damn thing from reading my blog. I think my total AdSense revenue for my MMO channels was something like $35 last month. Worthless. So why do I waste my time, why am I writing this post? I'm not going to lie to you and say I'm trying to give back to the world. I'm not doing it out of the goodness of my heart. Sure there are a lot of people out there surfing the net and click on ads. There very well may be enough for everyone but I'm greedy and don't want to share! To be honest, I don't know why I still keep my MMO sites. Maybe it's the hope in the back of my mind. The hope that because of this amazing post I'll leap to the top of the serps and haul in $10,000 a month in AdSense revenue. Nope... never gonna happen. Maybe I want people to hear about my frustrations.. maybe I want to vent. Maybe I'm just not making enough money that I can throw away the 35 bucks. Who knows. Just do yourself a favor and don't waste your time on MMOs. Does this mean all of us would-be "pro bloggers" should give up? No!

What Did I Do?

I'm not going to lie and tell you I got rich from blogging. The truth is I started really blogging with the intentions of pulling a profit in October of 2007. My revenues have slowly risen each month and it's not from this MMO. Like I said previously in this post, MMOs provide you with a higher CTR and good paying ads. The only problem is this niche is already spread way too thin. I have several other sites and the CTR is half what it is on this site and the ads pay less than half per click . So why do I do it, why bother with such poorly paying niches? The reason is the competition, or lack there of. These smaller niches have no competion and there for can be dominated more easily. I pick a niche that hasn't been tapped or at least by someone trying to get to the top of the serps in order to make money. I do a little research on Google AdWords to see the average traffic for a certain keywords per month and how many ads are available. That's how I do it. I climb to the top of that niche and leech up all that traffic. In this game its all about your traffic volume. You get enough volume coming at you and it doesn't matter what you're selling, you'll make money. I haven't quit my job yet but let me tell you, I am well over the minimum pay out for AdSense every month and I love writing and creating new blogs. I never expected to make as much as I am and I've almost given up more times than I can count. It takes a long time to start bringing in real cash online. Don't give up and stay realistic. Dreaming is good. It keeps you motivated, but if your head is too far up in the clouds you won't get anywhere.

Thanks For Listening

I feel much better now that I've vented a bit. I hope that this post hasn't offended too much and maybe even helped some of you. Screw MMOs and MMO gurus. They are all full of shit. Try a smaller niche, experiment and if you really want to succeed... you will with a little work and patients. Never give up and never follow Make Money Online Gurus... you will never shine in someone's shadow.

Good Luck,


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