Sunday, May 17, 2009

Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing

So you've been working on your site or blog for awhile, adding content, promoting and gather up as many of those precious backlinks as you can your hands on. You build your site using different SEO tactics, doing everything you can to get as much inbound traffic as possible. All your hard work has paid off and you now have a nice, consistent flow of traffic coming in. All that traffic didn't just start pouring in by luck, you worked hard to make your site successful and you want to make as much money from it as possible. How can you turn all that traffic into money? Why, you simply start up an account with AdSense and hope a nice percentage of your traffic will convert into clicks, making you money and bring you one step closer to independent wealth. AdSense is probably one of the easiest ways to monetize your blog but is it the most profitable? A great way to increase your residual income is to become an affiliate marketer.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

While surfing the web or reading your favorite blog in your rss reader, you may have noticed that many of the more successful sites advertise with companies other than AdSense. Some of these large, traffic siphoning sites may no longer use Adsense at all. Think about it, how do you get paid when you use Adsense? You post on your blog and Google sends you relevant ads that your viewers could potentially click on. Each time some clicks on one of those ads, Google pays you but where do these ads come from? The marketing geniuses at Google use AdSense's counter part AdWords to gather up ads to send to you. AdWords is a program created by Google where different companies pay them to advertise their sites and products. What does this mean to you? Why should you care where your ads come from? Google is a middle man! Lets say you get an average of $0.50 per click through AdSense. How much money do you think Google is making from all the traffic your site diverts to that advertiser?. If you had been advertising directly for that company you could have earned a lot more form your site. Essential, when you become an affiliate marketer you are pushing the middle man out of the picture and keeping more of the profits for yourself.

Affiliates Do A Little More Work

You will have to do a little more work as an affiliate marketer. You are used to Google automatically sending you ads that are relevant to your site. If you write a post about cheap children's clothing, AdSense will send you ads that suit the topic. When you become an affiliate marketer you will have to pick and choose your ads yourself. This isn't as easy as it sounds, after all, you won't have a very good CTR advertising used car parts on your children's clothing blog. When all is said and done, the increase in income will make all this extra work worth while. Your site or blog is most likely to have some kind of theme this will make searching for ads a bit less tedious. Once you find a few relevant ads, they should work for all your posts.

What Affiliate Network Should You Use?

Personally, I find I have the most luck using Peerfly. They have a nice array of ads and pay very well. You may have to try many differnet affiliate networks before you find one with just what you are looking for. Do a Google search and check out the ads and rates each network offers. There is no limit to how many affiliate networks you can sign up for. Worse case scenario, you sign up for a few and never use them. Like everything else in internet marketing and making money online, you usually end up doing an ton of research and a lot of trial and error before you get it right.

The Pros
  • You will earn much more each time a visitor clicks on ads
  • You will be climbing to the next step in Internet marketing ladder
  • Affiliate ads tend to look more professional than ads sent to you by companies like AdSense and Adbrite
  • You will have more control over the ads that appear on your site
  • Unlike AdSense, there is no limit to how many ads you can show on your site
The Cons
  • Ads won't be chosen for you and you will have to do a little extra work
There is no risk involved in becoming an affiliate marketer. There is no rule that says you can't have both AdSense and affiliate ads on your site. My advise would be to leave AdSense on your site while you experiment with affiliate ads. As the weeks and months go by see which one is bringing you more money and adjust the advertising on your site accordingly.

Good Luck As Always,


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Jordy02 said...


Nice post. Initiating an internet marketing blogging could be somewhat a thrilling and difficult task for any affiliate marketing. Such marketing procedure is in some way new for most online marketers although it has been well accepted by individuals who are already into it, specifically for an online marketing expert. It offers many huge benefits for most online businesses since it costs very inexpensive that anyone can afford to have it.

Jordy02 said...


Thanks for your post. Individuals would normally opt for quality content particularly when they crave for information on issues they are fascinated in. This is basically what majority of marketing blogs want to attain, to give the needed information of their target market. It is simpler to pitch a service or product through the use of internet marketing blogging.

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