Do you know why 90% of people who try to make money online fail? Is it because only a select few have the tools and knowledge needed to succeed as internet marketers? No, it's because internet marketing is a lot of hard, tedious work. You will have to spend a long time working long hours before you will ever see a red cent. Many people assume that they can just sign up for an account with Blogspot, throw up a few blogs and start earning money. How Exactly, do you think you get paid? Once you start blogging Google doesn't just start sending you money. You need to get traffic to your blogs. This takes a lot of hard work. Most people who start down this road will give up. Something else to keep in mind, you may have noticed I used the term internet marketer. Make make no mistake, if you got into blogging to make money, you're not a blogger, you are an internet marketer.
Bloggers And Internet Marketers
Bloggers are in it for the social aspects. They don't care about keyword optimization. They blog as a hobby, simply for the love of blogging. They won't put ads on their site because they don't want to take anything away from the content. As an internet marketer, you are concerned with things like ad placement and targeting keywords. You choose your niche based things like advertiser competition. Unlike a blogger, an internet marketer creates the content for their ads. As important as content is it will always come second to increasing your CTR and search engine ranking.
About MMOs
MMOs, or make money online blogs, like this one, are very hard to make successful. There are so many people out there building MMOs and the competition is extremely fierce. If you do choose to start an MMO, you should write very long and informative posts hoping to rank well for long-tailed keywords. The only problem with that strategy is the longer and more interesting your posts are, the less likely visitors will be to click on an ads. Why would they leave your site? It's full of useful information. Hopefully, over time, enough visitors will link to you to boost your rank for more popular keywords.
Untapped Niches
Your best bet is to try and find an untapped niche. By untapped, I mean a niche that isn't over flowing with blogs and sites trying to make money off of their content. If you come across a niche where the top ranking page has no ads on it, it is safe to assume that the owner of that site isn't trying to climb the serps, search engine rank page. That site is number one because of lack of competition. If this niche has a decent amount of advertisers bidding on its keywords, it could be a gold mine. It's true, most niches won't pay as well as an MMO but can easily be dominated. This can be a great way to improve your knowledge of SEO, search engine optimization. Remember, no amount of reading or researching is as helpful to your success as failing. That's right folks failing helps you succeed.
What Doesn't Kill You Will Make You Stronger
For every successful blog I own, I had to create 20 failures. Each time a blog failed or I made a mistake, I learned from it. The more I learned the more successful I became. Trial and error is the best teacher. You should always experiment and try new things, you will be amazed at what you will learn. At times there were blogs I created as a testing sites that ended up with more profitable traffic then my main blog. There isn't one MMO Guru out there that is really going to reveal his secrets. They might throw you a bone here and there or give you some SEO basics but remember in the end you are the competition.
Step By Step
Start out small. Create some successful blogs in smaller niches and work your way up to the larger more profitable categories. This will help you gather the tools you will need to succeed and help build your confidence. Never give up. There have been so many times when I felt so frustrated that I almost stopped blogging all together. Many times succeeding with one of my smaller blogs was all the push I needed to hop back on that horse. Stay as positive as you can. Try and picture each obstacle as a challenge, each failure as a lesson. Remember, the only difference between you and the top ranking site is its been around a bit longer. They have made and learned from more mistakes than you have.
Link Juice
Don't waste that link juice (authority given to your site by search engines for incoming links). Backlinking is one of the most important things in climbing the serps. The more links pointing to you from other sites, the more important a search engine will think you are and therefore the higher you will rank for certain keywords. If you add too many outgoing links from your site, you will loose some of that link juice. Do not send outbound links unless you feel it is absolutely necessary. Link your posts together. Give references to other posts you have written in each new post you write. This won't build up link juice but it will insure that search engine spiders see all the content on your blog. It will also help increase pageviews and build your CTR.
Build Solid Backlinks
Not all backlinks come with the same authority. Although search engines will not penalize you for backlinks that come from bad neighborhoods, such as link farms, these links will provide you with almost no link juice. This makes those links almost completely useless. Links from sites with a great deal more outgoing links than incoming links are worth less as well. The higher the PR a site has, they more link juice it will provide. Try to get backlinks from sites that have a similar topics. This carries much more weight than an unrelated site. The ideal backlink has your keywords in the anchored text (the clickable part of the link).
Visitor Comments
Encourage visitors to comment on your blog. You will notice that top ranking blogs for popular niches are chock full of comments. Comments mean a lot to search engines and will greatly help you climb the ranks. The assumption is that if someone takes the time to comment on your blog, they must have found the content helpful. Comments also tend to be on topic and will also help boots your rank for long-tailed keywords.
Don't Get Smart Priced
Avoid adding AdSense to your blog until you have a good amount of traffic coming in. Over spreading or adding AdSense too early can lead to your account being smart priced. This can lead to a huge drop in revenue. If you notice you are getting paid very little for each click you receive, you may be smart priced. Don't worry, simply remove AdSense from your sites one by one until you can zone in one which one is causing the problem.
Content Is King
Don't stop pumping out content. Each and every time you write a new article and it gets indexed by search engines is another chance to get traffic to your site. Even if your site is no where near the top of the serps, you will grab more traffic via long-tailed keywords. Think of each post as a fishing rod. The more rods you have the more chances you have of catching your dinner. This will help boost your earnings while you work to climb up in rank, while providing your visitors with new, informative information. Good content will also make it more likely you will get return visitors. The more someone returns to your site, the more likely they are to become a fan and backlink to you.
A Few Tips
A few facts to keep in mind. The more advertising competition for a keyword, the better you will get paid per click. The shorter the posts the higher the CTR but the lower the payment per click. On the opposite side of the coin, longer and more in depth posts will have a lower CTR but you will be well paid. Internet marketing isn't an exact science. What works well for one niche may not work well on another.
Pay attention to how visitors are getting to your site. What are they searching for? How long are the spending on your site? If you write very long articles and you notice that the average reader spends only 1 1/2 minutes on each pages, it might be a good idea to keep ads towards the top of your blog. If most of your readers spend a lot of time reading each post, you may want to place some ads at the bottom of your posts. Larger ads pay better but you may find that a small ads fits well at the bottom of your side bar. Ad placement is key but you don't want to clutter your site. Don't make your site look like a giant ad. This may result in a reduction in return traffic. On the other hand if you are ranked #1 for your main keywords, a large ad at the top of your blog may bring you more money. It may sound like I am talking out of both sides of my mouth. I assure you this is not the case. My point is in order to optimize your site, you need to experiment and try new things. Every site, blog, and niche is different.
Be Patient
It may take several weeks for a new blog to get indexed. Despite what you may have read, even if your blog has several backlinks from high page ranking sites it still may take time for your site to get indexed. When you search the web address, it will show up in the results but until your site is indexed your content will not be shown on the results page. This is why it is important to create as many blogs as you can, especially when you are first starting out. Once you get a few blogs ranked well and bringing in steady traffic you may want to spend more time pushing your money makers and less time creating.
Enjoy What You Do
In order to be a successfully internet marketer you have to enjoy writing and creating. If you don't get out now. If you think that you will setup a blog and get rich quick, you are mistaken. As an internet marketer you will constantly be writing, creating and networking. You will end up working more hours than you would in a regular 9 to 5 job. If anyone tells you different, they are lying. Working as an internet marketer has been the most difficult and time consuming job I have ever had and I love it.
Never Give Up
Never rely on anyone to tell you what works. Do some research on SEO techniques. There are a ton of sites our there. After you read a few you will notice that they all say the same thing. If you want to be successfully you are the key. Never be satisfied and always strive for more. Keep learning and experimenting. I will tell you, depending on your definition of the word, it is impossible to fail as an internet marketer. Would you consider an income equivalent to a part-time job a success or failure. Is the cup half full or half empty.
Look Forward
Don't be afraid to grow. If you go back to older posts on this site you will notice that originally I was using this site to promote various referral links. I now realize that pushing referral links is a waste of time. I grew out of it and my blog grew with me. Sure, I could have deleted the posts but those posts are part of this blog. They remind me that if that's where I was then, imagine where I will be months from now.
The Beginning
I will be using this blog to expand on what I have learned as an internet marketer. I will try and create posts on weekly basis, covering all my new finding, whether they are failures or successes. Consider this post, What I've Learned About Making Money Online Part 1. I hope you enjoyed it.
Good Luck,
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Making money from a blog is possible and isn’t even particularly difficult any more.I have tried blogging and it is one of the best passive income streams to make money.
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