Monday, April 6, 2009

Getting Activated With Gomez Peer Zone

It took me over three months for Gomez Peer Zone to finally activate me so i coulr really start making money. Gomez Peer Zone is a company that runs performance test on various websites. They do this buy using their "PEERS'" (aka you) computers. Each PEER in Gomez's network serves as a "beacon," running in the background of your PC, contributing its spare resources (such as otherwise wasted processing power, RAM, and bandwidth). After a lot of "googling" the only information if come across is, they prefer people who use dial up. So if you still use a 56k modem you're in luck, they will approve you very quickly. If not just keep running the program. It seems like you'll be pending forever but its worth it. Once approved you will be paid monthly. Gomez Peer Zone also offers a referral system. Basically you earn $1 dollar for every peer you refer adding even more money potential to your $45 cap. This is the only company where you can truly make money for doing absolutely nothing. I know Its my dream to get some extra cash for sitting on my rump! Now if I could only find about 100 more sites like this.

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Karen said...

I've been using Gomez peer for over a month... Still haven't been activated... Although I have made over $10 for referals... So it is worth it.. Hopefully I will get approved soon. :)

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